2023 End Year Report And Carryover To 2024

According to the 2023 Final Semi-Annual Report, the local board had $19,187.07 in unused/remaining funds to be moved into the 2024award/budget. 


This $19,187.07 when added to the SFY2024 award of $20,000.00 brings the total budget for the KY-ASAP Local Board to $39,187.07($19,187.07 + $20,000.00 = $39,187.07).


$19,187.07 – Remaining – Carryover to SFY2024


Dues, Fees, & Meeting Expenses

$2,000 – Food for in-person meetings – Since 2013, we have provided lunch to meeting attendees. Beyond the social benefit and fellowship of breaking bread over a common cause, that we feed members who are generally attending meetings on their own time, makes it convenient to attend our meetings. Regular attendance has steadily increased over the years and we have even added short professional development and informational presentations at each meeting. TIMELINE: Lunch will be provided at each of the 10 meetings with payment for the meals made monthly.



$2,901.69 – Payment of prior year approved expenditure for the purchase of Naloxone – In fiscal year 2023, the Board had approved the purchase of 99 units of injectable Naloxone from Boundtree in the amount of $2901.69.  Due to a change in staff at GSCEMS and the timeline that our Board has for issuing payments in the last month of the fiscal year, the invoice was not processed to be paid prior to the end of the fiscal year.  The Board requests to reimburse GSCEMS for this amount out of carry-over funds. TIMELINE: Upon approval of this request.Please keep in mind that going forward Naloxone purchases cannot exceed the public health pricing of $41 per two dose unit.



$3,333 – TBD-Prevention – The Board wishes to reserve funds for prevention to allow it to respond to emerging needs identified in the community. TIMELINE: During the funding period upon approval of this request and of specific requests for funding.


$720 – Supplemental allocation to Lash’s Lessons in accordance with the approved FY24 application for funding – Substance use, misuse, and addiction are preventable disorders that interfere with normal healthy functioning. They contribute to physical and behavioral health problems, injuries, lost income and productivity, and family problems. TIMELINE: Lash’s Lessons will be offered in October and November of 2023 and in February and March of 2024.



$3,334 – TBD-Treatment – The Board wishes to reserve funds for treatment to allow it to respond to emerging needs identified in the community. TIMELINE: During the funding period upon approval of this request and of specific requests for funding.


$820 – Supplemental allocation to Freedom From Smoking program in accordance with the approved FY24 application for funding – Freedom from Smoking is a seven-week evidence-based program designed to meet smokers where they are at, provide techniques/method to assist with their behavior change and encourage long term success.  The purpose and objectives of the program include:


  • To help participants learn to manage cravings, thoughts, and social relationships to maximize success when quitting smoking and remaining abstinent
  • To gain an understanding of tobacco dependence and individual smoking patterns
  • To develop or increase personal motivation to quit, and make an individualized plan for quitting
  • Take the step of quitting
  • To learn maintenance skills to help stay smoke free
  • Use past experiences as learning steps to success and learn the advantages of specific coping skills to aid in quitting and staying quit, and to substitute healthy new lifestyles alternatives for their smoking behavior.


Freedom from Smoking Classes are ongoing and offered to the public throughout the year, with a minimum of at least two clinics offered each fiscal year. Kentucky currently ranks second highest in the nation for adult smoking, at 23.6%.  Additionally, the Robert Wood Johnson Program collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, County Health Rankings, reports the prevalence of adult smokers in Scott County at 18 percent. Among youth, Kentucky continues to lag behind the United States with 8.9% and 4.6% of high school youth reporting cigarette use in the past thirty days, respectively (Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids). Among the Bluegrass, 8.6% of tenth grade students reported smoking one or more times in the past thirty days (KIP State & Regional Report, 2018).


Medical costs of $1.92 billion each year (not including secondhand smoke) is attributed to smoking in Kentucky (Campaign of Tobacco Free Kids, Toll of Tobacco in Kentucky). Research has continually linked smoking and secondhand smoke to stroke, lung cancer, coronary heart disease and increases asthma incidents among adults and youth. Further (see chart below), Kentucky Health Facts report Scott County prevalence rates of heart disease deaths and strokes to be higher than the state. With the release of new nicotine products, such as e-cigarettes, we have yet to see the economic burden and impact regular use will have on health outcomes. Research by the National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine has found moderate evidence that e-cigarettes use increases the frequency and intensity of cigarette smoking in the future. For this reason, continued efforts to offer tobacco cessation programs that provide tobacco users with a safe method to wean off the addictive substance (nicotine), without the exposure to aerosol and smoke emission, are needed to reduce impact of e-cigarette gateway to traditional cigarettes.


ASAP funds use: NRT, print promotion through the purchase of pharmacy bags.

TIMELINE: The classes are offered throughout the fiscal year.


$420 – Supplemental allocation to Isaiah House in accordance with the approved FY24 application for funding – Isaiah House is a full-service outpatient clinic with a nurse practitioner, licensed therapists, case management, and peer support.  The organization accepts most commercial insurance, Medicaid, and private paying clients, which are charged the prevailing Medicaid approved charge for the particular service rendered.  The program receives assistance from the Scott County Fiscal Court in the form of rent and utility assistance in exchange for the operation of a day treatment program with re-entry services for inmates of the Scott County Detention Center. 


ASAP funds use:  literature for distribution in the Isaiah House lobby and at community events.

TIMELINE: Literature will be purchased upon approval of the request as needed throughout the fiscal year.


$2,325.38 – Supplemental allocation to the Scott County Fiscal Court for ongoing rent support of Isaiah House in accordance with the FY24 application for funding – Scott County Fiscal Court pays for rent and utilities for Isaiah House and has requested ASAP financial support.  Isaiah House came to Georgetown following the withdrawal of Shepherds House. In lieu of that residential program, Isaiah House offers a day treatment program for inmates of the Scott County Detention Center and operates a full service day treatment program, as well as offers a full range of therapeutic services by licensed professionals. 


ASAP funds use: ongoing rent support in collaboration with the Scott County Fiscal Court.

TIMELINE: Payments will be made in two installments–one in the fall of 2023 and one in the spring of 2024.

The local board must communicate to Isaiah House should understand that funding for its rent by the KY ASAP Board is not sustainable. Therefor it should take all necessary steps to ensure its own sustainability of this cost.




$3,333 – TBD-Enforcement – The Board wishes to reserve funds for enforcement to allow it to respond to emerging needs identified in the community. TIMELINE: During the funding period upon approval of this request and of specific requests for funding.



Accordingly, the 2024 budget has been updated as follows:


Dues, Meetings & Expenses Page

  1. Food for in-person meetings – A new line item has been created for this expenditure for $2,000.



  1. Payment of prior year approved expenditure for the purchase of Naloxone – A new line item has been created for this expenditure for $2,901.69.



  1. TBD-Prevention – A new line item has been created for this expenditure for $3,333. The local board is reminded that before it expends any funds in a “to be determined” line item, it must first request (and receive) approval and budget modification.
  2. Supplemental allocation to Lash’s Lessons in accordance with the approved FY24 application for funding – This line item has been increased by $720. The budget for this line item before the modification was $1,800. The budget for this line item after the modification is $2,520.



  1. TBD-Treatment – A new line item has been created for this expenditure for $3,334. The local board is reminded that before it expends any funds in a “to be determined” line item, it must first request (and receive) approval and budget modification.
  2. Supplemental allocation to Freedom From Smoking program in accordance with the approved FY24 application for funding – This line item has been increased by $820. The budget for this line item before the modification was $2,000. The budget for this line item after the modification is $2,820.
  3. Supplemental allocation to Isaiah House in accordance with the approved FY24 application for funding – This line item has been increased by $420. The budget for this line item before the modification was $1,000. The budget for this line item after the modification is $1,420.
  4. Supplemental allocation to the Scott County Fiscal Court for ongoing rent support of Isaiah House in accordance with the FY24 application for funding – This line item has been increased by $2,325.38. The budget for this line item before the modification was $6,400. The budget for this line item after the modification is $8,725.38.



  1. TBD-Enforcement – A new line item has been created for this expenditure for $3,333. The local board is reminded that before it expends any funds in a “to be determined” line item, it must first request (and receive) approval and budget modification.